Department of the Navy: This is an image of the United States Department of the Navy logo


U.S. Marine Corps: This is an image of the United States Marine Corps logo.

U.S. Coast Guard: This is an image of the United States Coast Guard logo.

Department of the Army: This is an image of the United States Department of the Army logo.

Department of the Air Force: This is an image of the United States Department of the Air Force logo.




The Navy would continue to implement Geographic Mitigation Areas where limitations are established on certain activities around Hawaii, including:

  • The Hawaii Island and 4-Islands marine mammal mitigation areas; 
  • The Hawaii Humpback Whale Special Reporting Mitigation Area, which includes an expanded area to reflect updated Humpback Biologically Important Areas; 
  • The Hawaii Humpback Whale Awareness Messages; 
  • Artificial Reef, Hard Bottom Substrate, and Shipwreck Mitigation Areas; and the
  • Shallow-Water Coral Reef and Precious Coral Bed Mitigation Areas.

Proposed Geographic Mitigation
Areas – Hawaii

The Navy would continue to implement Geographic Mitigation Areas where limitations are established on certain activities around Hawaii.

The Special Reporting Area would be expanded to reflect updated Humpback Biologically Important Areas.