Department of the Navy: This is an image of the United States Department of the Navy logo


U.S. Marine Corps: This is an image of the United States Marine Corps logo.

U.S. Coast Guard: This is an image of the United States Coast Guard logo.

Department of the Army: This is an image of the United States Department of the Army logo.

Department of the Air Force: This is an image of the United States Department of the Air Force logo.




The military services notified the public and other stakeholders about the availability of the Draft EIS for public review and comment through extensive notifications. Project informational materials were made available on the project website to help the public learn about the environmental analysis, public involvement opportunities, and the National Environmental Policy Act and National Historic Preservation Act Section 106 processes.

Draft EIS/OEIS Public Outreach

  • Public notifications
  • Fact sheet booklet and posters
  • Targeted stakeholder briefings
  • Consultation under NHPA Section 106


  • Direct Mailings
  • Project materials on website:
    • Presentations
    • Project video
    • Fact sheet and posters
    • Electronic NHPA Section 106 Consulting Party request
  • e public and with federal, state, local, and tribal partners.