Navy Stewards of the Sea Exhibit at the USS Iowa Museum
The U.S. Navy has an interactive environmental exhibit at the historic Battleship USS Iowa Museum in the Port of Los Angeles. It is located at 250 S. Harbor Blvd, San Pedro, CA 9073 and sponsored by Commander, U.S. Pacific Fleet. This exciting exhibit titled “Stewards of the Sea: Defending Freedom, Protecting the Environment,” educates visitors about the Navy’s extensive environmental protection programs.
Through a series of interactive activities/games, videos, educational panels, and displays, the exhibit provides an entertaining overview of the Navy’s environmental stewardship programs. The exhibit highlights the Navy processes for protecting the marine environment, planning for environmental protection, and the technologies that are used at sea to reduce impacts to natural resources, recycling and waste reduction. The exhibit is designed for audiences of all ages. The U.S. Navy’s environmental mascot, Stewie, shows how naval ships and sailors use protective measures to safeguard marine life. Interactive stations include educating visitors on hydrophone technology, how to identify types of whales, and planning for environmental protection. Another game provides the opportunity to simulate using “Big Eyes” as a Navy lookout to protect environment from harm. The exhibit introduces visitors to today’s technology and the role in which the Navy plays in protecting the environment while defending freedom.