
 Department of the Navy: This is an image of the United States Department of the Navy logo


U.S. Marine Corps: This is an image of the United States Marine Corps logo.

U.S. Coast Guard: This is an image of the United States Coast Guard logo.

Department of the Army: This is an image of the United States Department of the Army logo.

Department of the Air Force: This is an image of the United States Department of the Air Force logo.




The Navy is preparing an EIS and will analyze impacts on the environmental resources listed here, in addition to coastal resources. The Navy anticipates the Draft EIS will be available for public review in fall 2024.

Resource Areas to be Analyzed

The Navy will analyze the direct, indirect, and cumulative impacts the Proposed Action may have on the human, natural, and cultural environments.

Resources to be evaluated include

  • Marine mammals
  • Reptiles
  • Fishes
  • Vegetation
  • Invertebrates
  • Habitats
  • Birds
  • Sediments and water quality
  • Air quality
  • Cultural resources
  • Socioeconomic resources
  • Public health and safety

The document will also include discussion of other considerations, to include environmental justice and coastal and sanctuary resource impacts.

Photo Credit: Pete Leary, USFWS


This is an image of adult and pup Hawaiian monk seals.

Photo Credit: NOAA Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center

This is an image of a green sea turtle.


This is an image of sailboats in San Diego.

This is an image of steelhead trout.