
 Department of the Navy: This is an image of the United States Department of the Navy logo


U.S. Marine Corps: This is an image of the United States Marine Corps logo.

U.S. Coast Guard: This is an image of the United States Coast Guard logo.

Department of the Army: This is an image of the United States Department of the Army logo.

Department of the Air Force: This is an image of the United States Department of the Air Force logo.




Welcome to the virtual open house presentation for the United States Navy’s Hawaii-California Training and Testing Environmental Impact Statement/Overseas Environmental Impact Statement, referred to as “EIS.” The Department of the Navy (including both the Navy and Marine Corps), in cooperation with the Coast Guard, Army, and Air Force, is hosting this virtual open house presentation to provide you with information related to the Proposed Action, its purpose and need, environmental resource areas to be analyzed in the EIS, the National Environmental Policy Act process, the National Historic Preservation Act Section 106 process, and public involvement opportunities.

Public involvement is a fundamental aspect of the National Environmental Policy Act and National Historic Preservation Act Section 106 processes. The Navy welcomes and appreciates your participation. Please sign up if you would like to receive future notifications.

Please also share how you learned about this virtual open house presentation so the Navy can identify the most effective ways to continue to notify the public.

The Navy is accepting comments from the public during this public scoping period. The public is encouraged to submit comments via postal mail or on the project website during the scoping period from December 15, 2023, through January 29, 2024.

During this presentation, you can click on links for additional information. At any time during this presentation, you can click the “Submit Your Comment” button to provide a comment through this website.

This presentation was created to provide you with information on the Navy’s intent to prepare the Hawaii-California Training and Testing EIS. For this presentation:

  • Click on the right arrow at the top of your screen to advance to the next page.
  • Click on the left arrow at the top of your screen to go back to a previous page.
  • Use the navigation menu to view key topics.
  • Click on the “Submit Your Comment” button to submit a comment. Once finished, click “Submit.”
  • Click on the audio play icon on each page for audio narration.

Hawaii-California Training and Testing Environmental Impact Statement/Overseas Environmental Impact Statement

Virtual Open House Presentation


Welcome and thank you for participating in this Virtual Open House Presentation and the Public Scoping Process.

This virtual open house includes a presentation, links to additional information, and the opportunity to submit comments through Jan. 29, 2024, to ensure their consideration in the Draft EIS/OEIS analysis.

Comment Period

Dec. 15, 2023 - Jan. 29, 2024

How to Navigate

  • Click on the right arrow at the top of your screen to advance to the next page.
  • Click on the left arrow at the top of your screen to go back to a previous page.
  • Use the navigation bar on the left side of your screen to view key topics.
  • Click on the “Submit Your Comment” button at the top right of your screen to submit a comment. Once finished, click “Submit.”
  • Click on the audio play icon    on each page for audio narration.