The Record of Decision is now available for viewing.

Proposed Action

The Navy is not proposing new training activities or increasing activities from current levels. The Navy's proposed training activities have occurred in the Study Area for decades.


The Record of Decision documents the Navy’s decision to continue periodic military training activities in the Gulf of Alaska Temporary Maritime Activities Area and Western Maneuver Area, collectively referred to as the GOA Study Area. as described in Alternative 1, the Navy’s Preferred Alternative. Training activities are similar to those that have occurred in the Gulf of Alaska Temporary Maritime Activities Area for decades. The Supplemental EIS/OEIS includes the analysis of at-sea training activities projected to meet readiness requirements beyond 2022 and into the reasonably foreseeable future and reflects the most up-to-date compilation of training activities deemed necessary to accomplish military readiness.

Activities conducted in the Temporary Maritime Activities Area include the use of sonar and weapon systems at sea that may use non-explosive or explosive munitions. Although the geographic extent of the Temporary Maritime Activities Area has not changed from the 2011 and 2016 impact analyses, the Study Area now includes an expanded area known as the Western Maneuver Area.

Activities in the Western Maneuver Area are limited to vessel movements and aircraft training, and several events associated with these movements. This additional space enables Navy personnel and units to practice more realistic, complex training scenarios in a safer, more efficient manner that will better prepare them to respond to real-world incidents. The Navy will not use sonar or explosives in the Western Maneuver Area, and the number of vessels, aircraft, underway steaming hours, events, and flight times remains the same. 

The types of activities and number of events in the Proposed Action remain consistent with previous documents (Alternative 1 in both the 2011 Gulf of Alaska Navy Training Activities Final EIS/OEIS and the 2016 Gulf of Alaska Navy Training Activities Final Supplemental EIS/OEIS), although there have been changes in the platforms and systems used in those activities. For example, the EA-6B aircraft and frigate, and their associated systems, have been replaced by the EA-18G aircraft, Littoral Combat Ship, and Destroyer.

In direct response to agency, tribal, and public comments, the Navy will implement a new mitigation area within the continental shelf and slope area of the Temporary Maritime Activities Area. The Navy will expand its mitigation measures for explosives detonated at or near the surface and prohibit the use of explosives during training (up to 10,000 feet altitude) in areas of less than 4,000 meter depth to protect marine species and biologically important habitat. The Navy anticipates the implementation of the new mitigation area will reduce impacts on marine mammals, fishes (including salmon), and marine birds.

The Navy will continue to implement standard operating procedures and mitigation measures and adhere to management plans and monitoring requirements to avoid or reduce potential environmental impacts from training.

Purpose of and Need for the Proposed Action

The Supplemental EIS/OEIS is an update to the 2011 and 2016 impact analyses to support naval training requirements to achieve and maintain fleet readiness as required by Title 10 of the U.S. Code.

Importance of Realistic Training

Realistic training activities are crucial for military readiness, personnel safety, and national defense.

Sailors must be ready to respond to many different situations when called upon. The skills needed to achieve readiness are challenging to master and require constant practice. Training must be diverse and as realistic as possible to prepare Sailors for what they will experience in combat situations to ensure their success and survival. Although simulation may be used for some training activities, there is no substitute for live training to achieve qualifications.

The military’s largest joint training exercise in Alaska is Northern Edge, which occurs biennially (typically every other year in odd years). These exercises are designed to replicate challenging scenarios and environmental conditions found around the world, and to prepare service members to respond to crises, such as natural disasters, global conflicts, and threats to homeland security.

Importance of Training with Active Sonar and Weapon Systems

The Navy will continue periodic training activities, which include the use of active sonar in the Temporary Maritime Activities Area and weapon systems at sea that may use non-explosive or explosive munitions. The Navy will continue to implement mitigation measures to avoid or reduce potential impacts on marine species and the environment from training activities.

One of the Navy's top priorities is to defend against enemy submarine activity. To detect potential hostile submarines, the Navy uses both passive and active sonar. Torpedoes, in-water mines, and quiet submarines from potential enemies are threats to global commerce and national security. More than 90 percent of the world’s trade is carried by sea; therefore, protecting the sea is critical. Active sonar is the most effective method of detecting these threats. Sonar proficiency is complex and requires regular, hands-on training in realistic and diverse conditions.

Training at sea with explosives significantly enhances the safety of U.S. forces in combat and improves readiness and equipment reliability. Sailors must train in a variety of high-stress environments, including scenarios that involve the use of and exposure to explosive ordnance, to be prepared to respond to emergencies and national security threats.


Sonar Previous generation submarines were noisy and could be detected with passive sonar before they came close enough to deploy short-range weapons against a vessel. Extremely quiet, difficult-to-detect, diesel-electric submarines can approach close enough to deploy long-range weapons before entering a U.S. vessel’s passive sonar detection range. Active sonar has a longer detection range that is needed to allow Navy Sailors to detect, identify, and track quiet, modern submarines before they are close enough to attack.


The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requires federal agencies to evaluate a range of reasonable alternatives to achieve the purpose of and need for the Proposed Action. In the Supplemental EIS/OEIS, the Navy evaluated potential environmental impacts of a no action alternative and an action alternative in which the Navy would reanalyze Alternative 1 from the 2016 Gulf of Alaska Navy Training Activities Final Supplemental EIS/OEIS.

No Action Alternative:

  • Authorization under the Marine Mammal Protection Act would not be reissued by the National Marine Fisheries Service
  • Proposed at-sea training activities would not occur
  • Purpose of and need for the Proposed Action would not be met

Alternative 1 (Preferred Alternative):

  • Navy training in the Gulf of Alaska Study Area would continue at current levels
  • Current and future training requirements necessary to achieve and maintain fleet readiness would be met

Key Updates Made in the 2022 Final Supplemental EIS/OEIS

The 2022 Final Supplemental EIS/OEIS combines the analyses in the 2020 Draft Supplemental EIS/OEIS and the 2022 Supplement. It contains revisions and responses to public comments (Appendix G) received during the public comment periods for the 2020 Draft Supplemental EIS/OEIS and the 2022 Supplement.

Key Updates Made in the 2022 Supplement to the 2020 Draft Supplemental EIS/OEIS

Proposed training activities are similar to those that have occurred in the Gulf of Alaska for decades and are consistent with those analyzed in the 2020 Draft Supplemental EIS/OEIS. The 2022 Supplement to the GOA Draft Supplemental EIS/OEIS includes:

  • Training activities conducted within the Western Maneuver Area
  • Continental Shelf and Slope Mitigation Area
  • Other mitigation updates

The 2022 Supplement focuses on potential impacts resulting from the addition of the Western Maneuver Area to provide sufficient space for the realistic maneuvering of vessels and aircraft during training exercises.

Key Updates Made in the 2020 Draft Supplemental EIS/OEIS

Proposed training activities are similar to those that have occurred in the Gulf of Alaska for decades and are consistent with those analyzed in the 2011 and 2016 impact analyses. In the 2020 Draft Supplemental EIS/OEIS, the Navy:

  • Included a No Action Alternative in which the National Marine Fisheries Service would not issue Marine Mammal Protection Act authorization; therefore, proposed training activities would not occur.
  • Reanalyzed Alternative 1 from the 2016 GOA Final Supplemental EIS/OEIS; training activities would not increase from current authorized levels in the Gulf of Alaska.
  • Included improved acoustic models and updated marine species densities, hearing criteria, and thresholds.
  • Used the most current and best available science and analytical methods. 
  • Reviewed procedural mitigation measures, where appropriate, and considered additional geographic and/or seasonal mitigation measures, where applicable.
USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71)
Search and Rescue
An F/A-18E Super Hornet participating in Northern Edge 2019.