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July 28, 2023

Navy Will Continue to Accept Comments Until August 12 for the Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement to Update its Analysis for Improving Homeport Facilities for Three NIMITZ-Class Aircraft Carriers at NAS North Island

Due to issues experienced by some commenters with submitting comments to the project website, the Navy will continue to accept comments via e-mail and mail for the Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) for Improving Homeport Facilities for Three NIMITZ-Class Aircraft Carriers at Naval Air Station (NAS) North Island until August 12.The

June 23, 2023

Navy Extends Public Comment Period for the Draft Environmental Assessment for Homeporting of Columbia Class Submarines at Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay

The Navy has extended the public comment period for the Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) for the homeporting of the Columbia Class submarines at Naval Submarine Base (NSB) Kings Bay.  The comment period was originally scheduled to expire on June 25, but will now expire on July 24.The Draft EA is available for review at

June 23, 2023

Navy Extends Public Comment Period for the Draft Environmental Assessment for Homeporting of Columbia Class Submarines at Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay

The Navy has extended the public comment period for the Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) for the homeporting of the Columbia Class submarines at Naval Submarine Base (NSB) Kings Bay.  The comment period was originally scheduled to expire on June 25, but will now expire on July 24.The Draft EA is available for review at

June 16, 2023

Navy Announces Release of the Multi-Engine Training System Draft Environmental Assessment

The Navy has released a draft Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Multi-Engine Training System (METS). Implementation of the METS will replace all 54 of the T-44C Pegasus aircraft with 58 new T-54A aircraft at Naval Air Station (NAS) Corpus Christi, Texas. The new aircraft would conduct training operations in the same locations and within the

June 9, 2023

El Departamento Naval Planea Preparar una Declaración de Impacto Ambiental Suplementaria Para Actualizar el Análisis Previo para Mejorar las Instalaciones de la Base de Operaciones para Tres Portaaviones Clase NIMITZ en la Estación Aeronaval (NAS por sus siglas en inglés) de North Island

De conformidad con la Ley de Política Nacional en Materia de Medio Ambiente (NEPA por sus siglas en inglés) del 1969, el Departamento Naval de los Estados Unidos (EE.UU.) anuncia su intención de preparar una Declaración de Impacto Ambiental Suplementaria (SEIS por sus siglas en inglés) para Mejorar las Instalaciones de la Base de Operaciones para

June 9, 2023

Navy Plans to Prepare a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement to Update its Analysis for Improving Homeport Facilities for Three NIMITZ-Class Aircraft Carriers at NAS North Island

Pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969, the United States (U.S.) Department of the Navy (Navy) announces its intent to prepare a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) for Improving Homeport Facilities for Three NIMITZ-Class Aircraft Carriers in Support of the U.S. Pacific Fleet. This SEIS will address current

May 26, 2023

Navy Releases Draft Environmental Assessment for Homeporting of Columbia Class Submarines at Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay

The Navy has released a Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) for the homeporting of the Columbia Class submarines at Naval Submarine Base (NSB) Kings Bay. The Navy proposes to establish facilities and functions at NSB Kings Bay to support the homeporting of Columbia Class submarines as replacements for the retiring Ohio Class submarines currently

Nov. 24, 2021

Navy Releases Draft Environmental Assessment for ICEX

The Department of the Navy has prepared an Environmental Assessment (EA)/Overseas Environmental Assessment (OEA) for Ice Exercises (ICEX) 2022 conducted in the Beaufort Sea 150 miles north of Prudhoe Bay, Alaska. The Draft EA/OEA evaluates potential environmental effects of conducting ice exercises and research activity in the Arctic environment.

March 17, 2021

Navy Announces Release of MQ-25A Home Basing Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact

The Navy has released a final Environmental Assessment (EA) and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for home basing of the MQ-25A Stingray carrier-based Unmanned Air System (Stingray CBUAS) at Naval Base Ventura County (NBVC) Point Mugu, California.

Dec. 11, 2020

Navy-Funded Research Team May Have Discovered New Whale Species

Researchers funded by the Naval Sea Systems Command Monitoring Program believe they have discovered a new species of beaked whale in the waters off Mexico’s Baja Peninsula.