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AFTT Supplemental EIS/OEIS Menu

Public Involvement 


NEPA requires federal agencies to consider the potential environmental impacts of their proposed actions before making a decision. The public has an opportunity to provide input at the following key phases of the NEPA process: 

  • During the public scoping phase: The public helps identify the scope of analysis, environmental resource areas, and potential alternatives to be analyzed in the Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (Supplemental). 
  • During the public comment period for the Draft Supplemental (anticipated in fall of 2024): The public evaluates and comments on the draft analysis of the Proposed Action and alternatives and their potential impacts on environmental resource areas. 
  • Comments submitted during the scoping phase will be taken into consideration during the development of the Draft Supplemental. Comments received during the draft review public comment period will become part of the public record and will be addressed in the Final Supplemental. 
  • Upon completion, the Final Supplemental will be released to the public. Following the 30-day wait period, the Department of the Navy will issue a Record of Decision. 

Ways to Participate During the Scoping Phase 

Public input is essential to ensure the most informed decision is made.  You are encouraged to participate in several ways:  

How to Provide Comments During Scoping 

  • Submit written comments via the project website or U.S. Postal Mail
  • Comments must be postmarked or received online by 11:59 PM Eastern on 16 December 2023 to be considered during the development of the Draft Supplemental EIS/OEIS

Fact Sheets

Naval Forces Training and Testing in the AFTT Study Area
Naval Forces Training and Testing in the AFTT Study Area


Environmental Stewardship

Environmental Stewardship


North Atlantic Right Whale Mitigation Measures

North Atlantic Right Whale Mitigation Measures