Project Schedule

National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Public Involvement
- The Navy offered three public comment periods and held 13 public meetings in connection with this project – three in Fall 2013, five in Fall 2014 and five in Fall 2016. The project mailing list grew from 350 to 2,342 addressees.
- The Navy considered all 4,335 public comments received on the Draft EIS and refined the Final EIS with updated information, which included a review of eight different reports submitted as public comments.
- While The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and CEQ regulations require public comment on the Draft EIS, the regulations do not require a public comment period following the release of a Final EIS.
- The next step in the NEPA process is a Record of Decision, which would occur no sooner than 30 days following the release of the Final EIS.
Newspaper Notifications
The availability of draft and final documents, as well as scheduling of public meetings, are advertised in the following local newspapers: Whidbey News Times, Skagit Valley Herald, Anacortes American, South Whidbey Record, The Journal of the San Juan Islander, The Whidbey Examiner, Peninsula Daily News, Port Townsend and Jefferson County Leader.
These notifications include locations where the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) was made available for viewing, notice of the date/time and location for public meetings, notification of when the Final EIS was made available, and notification of when the Record of Decision has been signed.
- Please click here to read the newspaper notice of availability for the Record of Decision (ROD) as published in local newspapers beginning March 22, 2019.
- Please click here to read the NOA of the Final EIS as published in the Federal Register on Sept. 28, 2018.
- Please click here to read the newspaper notice for the NOA of the Final EIS as published in local newspapers beginning Sept. 28, 2018.
- Please click here to read the newspaper notice of the announcement of the preferred alternative and the National Historic Preservation Act Section 106 consultation.
- Please click here to read the newspaper notice for the extension of the Final EIS timeline.
- Please click here to read the newspaper notice for the extension of the Draft EIS public comment period as published in local newspapers beginning Jan. 20, 2017.
- Please click here to read the NOA and Notice of Public Meetings for the Draft EIS as published in local newspapers.