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The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requires federal agencies to consider potential environmental impacts on the human, natural, and cultural environment before making a decision on a major federal action.
An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is a report that provides a detailed analysis of the potential effects that a major federal action may have on people and the environment.
The Navy prepares a supplemental EIS/OEIS to:
A supplemental EIS/OEIS supports the renewal and issuance of federal regulatory permits and authorizations under the Marine Mammal Protection Act and the Endangered Species Act using the best available scientific information currently available to assess potential environmental impacts. The analysis and results will be presented in a draft supplemental EIS/OEIS.
Scoping occurs at the beginning of the NEPA process. The purpose is to invite input from citizens and federal, state, and local agencies to comment on the scope of analysis, including the alternatives and resources to be considered during development of the draft EIS.
The Proposed Action is needed to meet military readiness requirements. Training and testing must be diverse and as realistic as possible to fully prepare Navy personnel for what they will experience in real-world situations and ensure their success and survival.
Yes. The U.S. Navy proposes to continue to conduct at-sea training and testing activities, which include the use of active sonar while employing marine species protective measures, within the study area. The Navy will reanalyze the potential environmental effects of sonar use in the supplemental environmental impact statement (EIS) or overseas environmental impact statement (OEIS).
In conformance with Executive Order 13175 (Consultation and Coordination with Indian Tribal Governments, November 2000), and in fulfillment of the Department of Defense and Navy tribal Government-to-Government consultation policies, the Navy consults with federally recognized tribal governments when Navy proposed actions have the potential to significantly affect tribal rights, resources, or lands.
The Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Energy, Installations, and Environment), is the decision maker regarding the selection and implementation of an alternative. The decision is based on many factors, including the details of the environmental analyses, breadth of public comment, recommendations from Navy commands, and mission requirements.
The Navy requests and actively solicits feedback and comments from the public, government agencies, elected officials, and nongovernmental organizations. Substantive public comments will be considered and incorporated into the supplemental EIS/OEIS, as applicable. Additionally, several federal and state agencies have regulatory authority and oversee Navy activities in the study area.
You can participate in several ways:
Yes. The purpose of the public scoping process is to provide information to the public about the Proposed Action and to solicit comments on the on the scope of the analysis, including potential environmental issues and viable alternatives. The Navy welcomes and appreciates your substantive comments. All substantive comments received during the 45-day scoping comment period will be reviewed and considered in the preparation of the Draft supplemental EIS/OEIS