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Oct. 18, 2024

Navy Releases Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact for Homeporting of Constellation-Class Frigates at Naval Station Everett, Washington

The U.S. Department of the Navy announces the availability of the Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) and Final Environmental Assessment (EA) proposing to provide facilities and functions to homeport Constellation-class frigates at Naval Station Everett, Washington.The purpose of the Proposed Action is to provide the Pacific Fleet with the

Sept. 20, 2024

Navy and Coast Guard Release Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for Atlantic Fleet Training and Testing

The Navy and U.S. Coast Guard, as joint lead agencies, have prepared and filed with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency a Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)/Overseas Environmental Impact Statement (OEIS) (ID# SEIS-007-17-USN-1723491961) that evaluates the reasonably foreseeable effects on the human environment of Navy,

Aug. 22, 2024

Navy Releases Draft Environmental Assessment for Flight Training Activities in the Proposed Bourbon Military Operations Area Offshore from Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base New Orleans, Louisiana

The Navy has prepared a draft Environmental Assessment (EA) to establish a new Military Operations Area (MOA) and associated Air Traffic Control Assigned Airspace (ATCAA) east of Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base New Orleans (NAS JRB NOLA), Louisiana to accommodate flight training activities for squadrons stationed at the base.The new MOA/ATCAA,

July 5, 2024

Navy Releases Draft Environmental Assessment/Overseas Environmental Assessment for Establishment of Training and Testing Facilities at Naval Base Ventura County for Extra Large Unmanned Undersea Vehicles and Unmanned Surface Vessels

The Navy has prepared a draft Environmental Assessment (EA)/Overseas Environmental Assessment (OEA) to establish training and testing support facilities for the Extra Large Unmanned Undersea Vehicles (XLUUVs) and Unmanned Surface Vessels (USVs) at Naval Base Ventura County, Port Hueneme, California.The Proposed Action includes construction of

Feb. 9, 2024

Navy Releases Draft Environmental Assessment and Will Host Open House Public Meetings for Homeporting Constellation-Class Frigates at Naval Station Everett, Washington

The Navy invites the public to review and comment on the Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) prepared for homeporting Constellation-class frigates at Naval Station Everett, Washington (WA). Under the Proposed Action, the Navy would homeport up to 12 Constellation-class frigates; construct training and support facilities for ships, commands, and

Dec. 8, 2023

Navy Announces Finding of No Significant Impact for the Environmental Assessment for Homeporting of Columbia Class Submarines at Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay

The Navy has completed the Environmental Assessment (EA) for homeporting of the Columbia Class submarines at Naval Submarine Base (NSB) Kings Bay, and has determined that implementation of the Proposed Action (Action Alternative) will not significantly impact the quality of the human or natural environment. Therefore, the preparation of an

Nov. 17, 2023

Navy Announces Supplemental EIS/OEIS for Atlantic Fleet Training and Testing

Navy to Begin Supplemental EIS/OEIS for Atlantic Fleet Training and Testing

Sept. 8, 2023

Navy Announces Release of the Final Environmental Assessment/Finding of No Significant Impact for the Multi-Engine Training System

The Navy has released a Final Environmental Assessment (EA) for replacement of 54 T-44C Pegasus with 58 new T-54A aircraft and the upgrade of ground-based training technologies at Naval Air Station (NAS) Corpus Christi, Texas, collectively referred to as the Multi-Engine Training System (METS). The EA has determined that there will not be

Sept. 8, 2023

Navy Announces Release of the Final Environmental Assessment/Finding of No Significant Impact for the Multi-Engine Training Syste

The Navy has released a Final Environmental Assessment (EA) for replacement of 54 T-44C Pegasus with 58 new T-54A aircraft and the upgrade of ground-based training technologies at Naval Air Station (NAS) Corpus Christi, Texas, collectively referred to as the Multi-Engine Training System (METS). The EA has determined that there will not be

July 28, 2023

El Departamento Naval Continuará Aceptando Comentarios hasta el 12 de Agosto para la Declaración de Impacto Ambiental Suplementaria para Actualizar su Análisis para Mejorar las Instalaciones de la Base de Operaciones para Tres Portaaviones Clase NIMITZ en la Estación Aeronaval (NAS por sus siglas en

Debido a los problemas encontrados por algunos comentaristas con el proceso de envío de comentarios a través del sitio web del proyecto, el Departamento Naval continuará aceptando comentarios por correo electrónico y postal para la Declaración de Impacto Ambiental Suplementaria (SEIS por sus siglas en inglés) para mejorar las instalaciones del