Environmental Impact
The Beginning: Environmental Compliance From 1996 to 2002
Research into potential environmental impacts played a major role in the
development and testing of the SURTASS LFA sonar system. The Navy spent
more than $16 million conducting scientific research (click here to learn about the Scientific Research) into the effects of low-frequency underwater sound on humans and
marine mammals and developing an environmental impact statement
(EIS)/oversea EIS (OEIS). The 2001 environmental compliance
documentation for SURTASS LFA sonar was developed and prepared in
compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act, Marine Mammal
Protection Act, Endangered Species Act, Coastal Zone Management Act, and
Presidential Executive Order 12114 (Environmental Effects Abroad of
Major Federal Actions).
Five principles guided the development of the Navy’s SURTASS LFA Sonar
Environmental Impact Statement:
Conduct a study on the potential effects of low-frequency sound on
marine life and human divers
Maintain scientific rigor throughout the study
Use an independent scientific team to review and edit the
Environmental Impact Statement
Preserve an open process with public engagement
Ensure funding is available for scientific research to address
critical data gaps and to furnish a meaningful and understandable
document to the public
Analytical Process
Literature review and determination of data gaps
Scientific screening of marine animal species for potential
sensitivity to low-frequency sound
Scientific research on the effects of low-frequency sound on humans
Scientific research on the effects of low-frequency sound on marine
Development of a method for quantifying risk to marine mammals
Analytical acoustic modeling of representative cases for the
deployment of SURTASS LFA sonar
Estimation of marine mammal stocks potentially affected
Estimation of potential effects on fish and sea turtles stocks
Establishment of mitigation and monitoring to reduce potential effects
to a negligible level
Highlights of the Scientific Research and Environmental Compliance
July 1996: Notice of Intent to prepare the SURTASS LFA Sonar
Environmental Impact Statement published in Federal Register
August 1996: Public scoping meetings (Los Angeles, CA; Norfolk, VA;
Honolulu, HI)
January 1997: Public Information Meeting, Washington, DC
February 1997: SURTASS LFA Scientific Working Group Established
February 1997: Scientific Working Group Meeting #1 held to determine
critical data gaps that need to be addressed to evaluate the potential
effects of low frequency sound on the marine environment
- May 1997: Public Meeting, Boston, MA
July 1997 to November 1998:
Diver’s Studies conducted by
Naval Submarine Medical Research Laboratory (NSMRL) to study the
effects of low-frequency underwater sound on divers
September 1997 to March 1998:
Low Frequency Sound Scientific Research Program (LFS SRP)
experiments conducted to study the potential effects of low-frequency
sound on free-ranging marine mammals
October 1997: Scientific Research Program public review, Monterey, CA
November 1997: Scientific Working Group Meeting #2
February 1998: Scientific Research Program public review, Hawaii
June 1998: SURTASS LFA EIS Outreach Meeting, Washington, DC
June 1999: NSMRL issued interim guidance for operation of low
frequency underwater sound sources in the presence of divers
July 1999: Draft OEIS/EIS completed with inputs from Low Frequency
Sound Scientific Research Program, modeling, and diver studies
August 1999: SURTASS LFA EIS Outreach Meeting, Washington, DC
August 1999: SURTASS LFA EIS Open House, Los Angeles, CA
August 1999: SURTASS LFA EIS Open House, Miami, FL
September 1999: SURTASS LFA EIS Open House, Honolulu, HI
September 1999: SURTASS LFA EIS Open House, Boston, MA
September 1999: SURTASS LFA EIS Public Hearing, Norfolk, VA
October 1999: SURTASS LFA EIS Open House, Seattle, WA
October 1999: SURTASS LFA EIS Public Hearing, San Diego, CA
October 1999: SURTASS LFA EIS Public Hearing, Honolulu, HI
October 1999: 90-day comment period on Draft OEIS/EIS ended
August 2000: Completed successful testing of the High Frequency Marine
Mammal Monitoring (HF/M3) Sonar
January 2001: Final OEIS/EIS published
July 16, 2002:
Final Record of Decision (ROD)
signed by the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Environment)
with notice in the Federal Register on July 23, 2002.