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Welcome to the United States Department of the Navy's (Navy) webpage for the Small Unit Inland Training Environmental Assessment (EA). The EA evaluates potential environmental effects from the Proposed Action to conduct small unit training in the inland areas of the Virginia Capes Range Complex of the Hampton Roads fleet concentration area located in southeastern Virginia. The study area encompasses eight Navy installations in southeastern Virginia, and other non-Navy properties.

A large percentage of the activities analyzed are similar in nature to civilian activities, such as small boat operations, individual movement of personnel on terrain, and operation of vehicles on established military installation roadways or trails. Nearly all of the activities represent training that has been ongoing at consistent levels for many years, and often decades, without any appreciable impact on the environment or civilian communities.

The Draft EA was made available for public review and comment from April 27 through May 19, 2018. The Draft EA was distributed to ten local libraries within the study area. No public comments were received during the three-week review period.

Based on the findings presented in the Final EA, the Navy has determined that the proposed action would have no significant impact on the quality of the human environment. Therefore, preparation of an environmental impact statement is not required and a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) has been issued. 

The Final EA and FONSI are available for download at the Final Documents tab.

Location Map