The Draft EIS/OEIS public review and comment period is underway!

Participate in a virtual open house to learn more about the Draft EIS/OEIS.

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Federal Register

Notice of Public Meetings

This is an image of the first page of the Federal Register Notice of Public Meetings.

Fact Sheet

Project Overview Fact Sheet

This is an image of the cover of the project overview fact sheet.


 Department of the Navy: This is an image of the United States Department of the Navy logo


U.S. Marine Corps: This is an image of the United States Marine Corps logo.

U.S. Coast Guard: This is an image of the United States Coast Guard logo.

Department of the Army: This is an image of the United States Department of the Army logo.

Department of the Air Force: This is an image of the United States Department of the Air Force logo.

Zoom Help Information

The Navy is using the Zoom for Government video conferencing platform to conduct a virtual public meeting in support of the Draft EIS/OEIS.


If you are new to Zoom, here is information to help you to prepare for the virtual public meeting.

1. How can I connect to the virtual public meeting?

You can attend the virtual public meeting by any of the following options:

  • Computer (Windows, Mac, Linux, Chromebook)
  • Mobile device
  • Telephone


By Computer (Windows, Mac, Linux)


  1. Go to the Public Meeting webpage.
  2. Click “ATTEND VIRTUAL PUBLIC MEETING.” This button will be active on the scheduled meeting date.


    This is an image showing a step for how to navigate the Zoom technology for participating in the virtual public meeting.


  3. You will be transferred to the Zoom webpage.
  4. Click “LAUNCH MEETING.”


    This is an image showing a step for how to navigate the Zoom technology for participating in the virtual public meeting.


  5. If the Zoom program does not automatically download, click “DOWNLOAD NOW” to install the program. You can also manually download the Zoom for Client Meetings program here.


    This is an image showing a step for how to navigate the Zoom technology for participating in the virtual public meeting.


  6. If you have the Zoom program installed, your computer may start the program automatically or prompt you to click “OPEN ZOOM MEETINGS.”


    This is an image showing a step for how to navigate the Zoom technology for participating in the virtual public meeting.


  7. If you do not want to use the Zoom program, but instead want to use your web browser to join the virtual public meeting, click “JOIN FROM YOUR BROWSER.”


    This is an image showing a step for how to navigate the Zoom technology for participating in the virtual public meeting.


  8. You will be prompted to enter your name and email address. If you wish to remain anonymous, you can enter “” and “Anonymous.”


    This is an image showing a step for how to navigate the Zoom technology for participating in the virtual public meeting.


    This is an image showing a step for how to navigate the Zoom technology for participating in the virtual public meeting.


  9. Click “JOIN WEBINAR” (Zoom program) or “JOIN” (web browser).

 10. If the meeting has started, you will be connected to the meeting.

 11. If the meeting has not started, you will be notified when the meeting is scheduled to start.


By Chromebook


  1. If you do not have Zoom installed, you can install the Zoom app from the Google Chrome store. (Here’s more info about adding apps to Chromebook.)
  2. If you do not want to use the Zoom app, you can use your web browser to join the meeting.
  3. Go to the Public Meeting webpage.
  4. Click “ATTEND VIRTUAL PUBLIC MEETING.” This button will be active on the scheduled meeting date.


    This is an image showing a step for how to navigate the Zoom technology for participating in the virtual public meeting.


  5. You will be transferred to the Zoom webpage.
  6. If you have the Zoom app installed, Zoom will start automatically.


    This is an image showing a step for how to navigate the Zoom technology for participating in the virtual public meeting.


  7. If the Meeting ID is not automatically filled in, you can find the Meeting ID on the Public Meeting webpage.
  8. Enter your Screen Name (i.e., John Smith).
  9. Click “JOIN.”

By Mobile Device (Android, IOS)

  1. Go to the Public Meeting webpage.
  2. Click “ATTEND VIRTUAL PUBLIC MEETING.” This button will be active on the scheduled meeting date.


    This is an image showing a step for how to navigate the Zoom technology for participating in the virtual public meeting.


  3. You will be transferred to the Zoom webpage.
  4. If you do not have the Zoom mobile app installed, download the Zoom app from the Google Play or Apple Store.
  5. If you already have Zoom installed, click “LAUNCH MEETING.”

By Phone

  1. Go to the Public Meeting webpage.
  2. Find the Zoom Meeting ID (below the “ATTEND VIRTUAL PUBLIC MEETING” button) for the scheduled virtual public meeting that you want to join.


    This is an image showing a step for how to navigate the Zoom technology for participating in the virtual public meeting.


  3. Call in to the virtual public meeting by telephone 1-669-254-5252.
  4. When prompted, enter the Zoom Meeting ID 161 611 8177 followed by “#.”
  5. When you are connected to the virtual public meeting, you will be automatically muted on Zoom.


2. How can I test my Zoom setup?

You can test your Zoom computer or mobile device setup by clicking the "TEST ZOOM" button or visit

This is an image showing a step for how to navigate the Zoom technology for participating in the virtual public meeting.

Please note, for the virtual public meeting, you will not need a webcam (to show your video) or a microphone (to speak).

3. Can I ask questions at the virtual public meeting?

Questions concerning the Draft EIS/OEIS will be accepted in advance through Jan. 15, 2025, via the question form on the project website. Questions may also be submitted in writing during the virtual public meeting. Please note that questions submitted during the question-and-answer session are not official public comments.


Using Zoom:

  1. Click on “Q&A”.


    This is an image showing a step for how to navigate the Zoom technology for participating in the virtual public meeting.


  2. In the Q&A window, type in your question.


    This is an image showing a step for how to navigate the Zoom technology for participating in the virtual public meeting.


  3. Click “SEND.”

Using the Phone

  1. Go to the Public Meeting webpage.
  2. Find the Zoom Meeting ID (below the “ATTEND VIRTUAL PUBLIC MEETING” button) for the scheduled virtual public meeting that you want to join.


    This is an image showing a step for how to navigate the Zoom technology for participating in the virtual public meeting.


  3. Call in to the virtual public meeting by telephone at 1-669-254-5252.
  4. When prompted, enter the Zoom Meeting ID 161 611 8177 followed by “#.”
  5. When you are connected to the virtual public meeting, you will be muted on Zoom.

4. Can I make a comment at the virtual public meeting?

Questions submitted and discussed at the virtual public meeting are not official public comments. The public is invited to review the Draft EIS/OEIS and provide substantive comments on the Proposed Action and the environmental analysis, as well as the project’s potential to affect historic properties as it relates to Section 106 of the NHPA. Comments must be postmarked or received online by 11:59 p.m. HST on Feb. 11, 2025, for consideration in the Final EIS/OEIS. Comments may be submitted at one of the in-person public meetings, electronically via the project website, or via mail to:

Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command Pacific
Attention: HCTT EIS/OEIS Project Manager
258 Makalapa Drive, Suite 100
Pearl Harbor, HI 96860-3134

5. Who do I contact if I have any issues joining the virtual public meeting?

If you are experiencing technical difficulties accessing the virtual public meeting, please contact Support at