Public Comments
Thank you for your interest in providing comments on the Draft Environmental Assessment for Flight Training Activities in the Bourbon Military Operations Area Offshore from Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base New Orleans, Louisiana.
The comment period for this project opened on August 22, 2024, and will close on October 6, 2024. Comments may be submitted electronically at the button below or via U.S. Postal Mail to the following address:
Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command, Atlantic
Attn: NOLA SUA EA Project Manager, Code EV21JB
6506 Hampton Blvd
Norfolk, Virginia 23508
Comments must be submitted electronically or postmarked by October 6th to be considered during the development of the Final Environmental Assessment.
Submit Comments
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Tips for Submitting Comments
Submitting substantive and concise public comments is one of the most important aspects of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process. The most effective comments are those that provide useful information to the Action Proponent for this project. For instance, submit comments if you find:
- An error in analysis that may affect the outcome
- New information that would change the analysis and conclusions
- Any peer-reviewed scientific literature that should be considered in the analysis
- Something that should be clarified
- A substantially different alternative that meets the purpose and need statement and has not been considered
General recommendations to keep in mind when making comments on any NEPA project or document:
- Support statements with details. If, for example, you are concerned about biological resources, it is helpful to focus on a particular problem or issue, such as a species that you feel was not sufficiently analyzed, instead of making broad statements.
- Back up your statements with explanations, facts, and references, as appropriate.
- Be as specific as possible with your comments and refer to page numbers and paragraphs.
- Focus comments on the specifics of the proposed project under consideration.
- Submit your comments within the timeframes announced to ensure that your concerns are considered and addressed in the final document.
- Request to be included on the project mailing list to receive notification of project updates.
- Recognize that the potential impacts on resources are likely to be described in more than one section because there are interrelationships between the resources and programs.
- Become familiar with the contents of the Draft EA, including the purpose and need statement and the responsibilities of the lead agency (Navy).
- Review the project website to become familiar with the proposal, learn about the NEPA process, understand the responsibilities and authorities of the federal agency, keep up to date on public meetings and comment periods, get answers to frequently asked questions, and view agency notifications.
- Comments are not counted as votes or as part of a referendum on Action Proponent decisions. They are used to improve the document and analyses, and to ensure impacts are adequately determined before the Action Proponent makes decisions on the proposed project. Therefore, avoid comments that state “I am in favor of this project,” or “I am opposed to this project.” Remember that the more clear, concise, and relevant to the project your comments are, the more effective they will be and more likely they will be used to improve the documents and affect the agency decisions.